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Final Film

Prompts · Brainstorming

Today the team got together and decided to work on possible prompts for the final animation. Here are the outcomes of the meeting.

The Wrong Response to...

‘I love you’

  1. The characters kiss and they are suddenly able to look at their future together. When they stop kissing they know they could not be together.
  2. The character freezes and starts walking backwards until they are at home (reverse).
  3. The character runs away leaving a cardboard cut out.
  4. They kiss and one character absorbs the other.

A Surprise Party

  1. The character enters home for their surprise but no one is there.
  2. Normal party but all the guests are on the ceiling and the character is surprised.
  3. The character opens the door to all his friends and family, but gets surprised and scared, then runs away.
  4. Surprise party but when the lights flicker off the guests disappear then reappear when they come back on (continuous loops of "surprise" being shouted).
  5. Strangers that actually like to show up at other strangers houses and shout "surprise" then leave.

Someone drowning

  1. Lifeguard throws an anchor to drowning swimmer.
  2. LifeGuard gets a tiny bucket and starts scooping water out of the pool.
  3. Lifeguard gets a blow-up boat and tries to blow it up with his mouth.
  4. Lifeguard gets a long straw trying to give oxygen to the swimmer.
  5. Swimmer drowns and only bubbles signify this.


A response being a reaction to something, cause and effect of physics could be used to create a versatile and slap-stick like comedy involving a multitude of situations. 

  1. See-saw 1#: The character, standing on the end of see-saw carrying heavy weight, clearly struggling to lift it throws it onto the other end and assumes super-man pose ready to blast into space, instead the weight lands and nothing happens, a moment later the weight slowly presses the see-saw until it rests on the floor anti-climactic.
  2. See-saw 2#: The character is staring at the weight in utter wonder, meanwhile a bird lands on him side of the see-saw, he steps off and the weight is propelled into space at high speed.
  3. Falling Up 1#: A man runs and jumps from a window but instead of falling to the ground falls into the sky, utter surprise on his face. 
  4. Falling Up 2#Another scene later in animation where the same man falls from the sky finally down past window. 
  5. Wrecking ball 1#: The wrecking ball builds up with huge momentum, then does a loop around axis point and flies off.
  6. Wrecking Ball 2#: The wrecking ball swings back gains momentum then falls over. 
  7. Wrecking ball 3#: The wrecking ball swings back gaining momentum then swings to hit a building but just stops. 
  8. Drinking water 1#: The character drinks water, tipping glass up but water doesn't fall from glass.
  9. Drinking water 2#: Water finally falls out of the glass, after lots of shaking hits character in the face. 
  10. High speed Train: A train is hurtling along tracks, momentum is built, bounces off a character in the middle of track, squeaks and falls over. 
  11. Bed: Character jumps onto a soft looking bed, lands on it and its consistency is of wood. 
  12. Puddle jump: Character jumps in a puddle but is completely submerged.

Being Robbed

  1. The robber is facing a mirror and robbing himself.
  2. Robber steals useless things instead of the valuables (i.e. ignores the person phone and steals a sweet from their bag).
  3. The person being robbed just ignores the robber and walks past, possibly mistaking them for someone handing out leaflets.
  4. The robber goes to rob someone and another person emerges from the first person's mouth, maybe saying "Can you leave my house alone?" or something along these lines (Alien reference).
  5. Robber demands all of the victims' possessions and the person includes their baby.
  6. Robber tries to rob a cardboard cut out.
  7. Robber tries to rob someone but they turn out to be a robber themselves and the robber reveals that they are just a normal person.
  8. Robber breaks into a prison to rob a prisoners cell.

An Airport Frisk

  1. The character starts undressing as if it were necessary.
  2. The character, wearing and armour, gets stopped and puts the helmet on the tray. 
  3. The character gets stopped and puts itself on a tray.
  4. The character, obviously carrying with themselves dangerous objects doesn’t get stopped.
  5. The character, not carrying any dangerous objects, gets stopped and arrested because of a useless thing inside their suitcase (i.e.: toothpaste).


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